Aug 30, 2015
The largest US manufacturer of Eurorack Modules is Pittsburgh Modular. They are inexpensive, sound great and are readily available from a lot of retailers. The company also produces a set of pre-loaded systems that make it easy to get started in modular synthesis, and has created an excellent bit of documentation to...
Aug 23, 2015
One of my favorite people to hang out with at Cycling '74 gatherings is Jeremy Bernstein. Jeremy is a long-time developer with C74, and has left his fingerprints on all sorts of Max system - his work on Jitter visual systems, the pattr preset system and the Max for Live system have all had a major impact on the...
Aug 16, 2015
I first met Dennis DeSantis when we was working with Ableton as a presenter during the NAMM show. He was always super level-headed and seemed able to weather almost any storm. I've always appreciated his musicianship, his deep knowledge of Live and his ability to help bring people together for almost any project.
Aug 9, 2015
Dan Trueman is one of those people whose list of accomplishments will blow you away. He's an accomplished fiddler, specializing in the Hardanger fiddle. He's the inventor of the laptop orchestra, having started it out of his teaching position at Princeton. He developed a number of new Max objects, as well as developing...
Aug 2, 2015
Talking with Miller was amazing - he was in town (Boulder) to do some work and performances at CU-Boulder. I dropped him a line, he was up for a chat, and Eric Lindemann was kind enough to let us use his kitchen (after a nice dinner).
Wow - what a great talk. But that damned Tascam recording screwed me again, so the...