Dec 30, 2018
Deantoni Parks is one of those percussionists that other percussionists talk about. They pass video links, performance notes and bandcamp sites to each other, because his work is pretty shocking. Rather than take a Neil Peart-style hit-all-the-drum approach to advance drumming, he instead chose to pursue - and...
Dec 23, 2018
In last week's episode, we just scratched the surface of Eric's role in creating the maker's world we now occupy. So I called him back and we immediately did a second interview to fill in some of the gaps: what were the early days like, how did he actually get the stuff built, why the move to Pittsburgh. This continues...
Dec 16, 2018
I'm pretty sure you know Eric Singer's work. Some of his most well-known work includes Pat Metheny's 'The Orchestrion Project', but he's been doing robotic musical instruments for a long time. I remember the first time I saw a video of Eric work - it was the reveal for the Guitarbot, and it was jaw-dropping at the...
Dec 9, 2018
Carl-Mikael Björk's Cabinet of Curiosities is one of the most fun channels on YouTube. From walk-throughs of his writing process to Elektron check-ins or Max visual demos, Carl is out front on a lot of things we are digging. He has a unique video style which, combined with stunning video quality, makes it a favorite...
Dec 2, 2018
I enjoy having an opportunity to interview my friends - just because the 'interview' process is actually different from a friendly chat, and I end up learning things that I never knew from 'just talking'. Richard has been a friend forever - probably since we were sitting on crates at the NYC AES show, waiting for...